Quotes of the Day: You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else

You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else.

Allcupation.com / @allcupation | Quotes of the Day: You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else | #Quotes #Sayings #Wisdom #Motivation #Inspiration

More Beautiful & Motivational Quotes:

1 | What if you simply devoted this year to loving yourself more?

2 | Only trust someone who can see these three things in you: The sorrow behind your smile, the love behind your anger, and the reason behind your silence.

3 | There will always be a reason why you meet people, either you need them to change your life or you’re the one that will change theirs.

4 | Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.

5 | You are not too old and it’s not too late.

6 | Ambition is the first step to success, the second step is action.

7 | Excuse will always be there for you, opportunity won’t.

8 | 97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% that never gave up.

9 | Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.

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