Quotes of the Day: Eating well is a form of self-respect

Eating well is a form of self-respect.

Allcupation.com / @allcupation | Quotes of the Day: Eating well is a form of self-respect | #Quotes #Sayings #Wisdom #Motivation #Inspiration

1 | We have nothing to lose and a world to see.

2 | Learn to say “no” without explaining yourself.

3 | Better things are coming.

4 | Growth is painful, change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.

5 | All relationships go through hell, real relationships get through it.

6 | Maybe life isn’t about avoiding the bruises, maybe it’s about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it.

7 | When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive. to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

8 | In the end, we all just want someone who chooses us.. Over everyone else, under any circumstances.

9 | Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak.

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